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Knowledge base
Explore How-To's and learn best practices from our knowledge base.
Getting Started With Pinpointe
Introduction to Pinpointe's Basic Features
Databases, Lists and Segments - Overview
Sending Your First Email Campaign in Pinpointe
Can I get additional user logins for Pinpointe?
How do I change my account user ID and/or password?
See all 8 articles
Tutorial Videos
Help Video: Getting Started With Pinpointe
Help Video: Creating and Using Lists
Help Video: Creating a Campaign in the Drag & Drop Campaign Builder
Help Video: Drag & Drop Campaign Builder Toolbox Overview
Help Video: Adding Links to Text and Images in the Drag & Drop Campaign Builder
See all 24 articles
Tips and Tricks
How can I improve my email deliverability?
Tips to Improve the Effectiveness of HTML Email Templates and Designs
Increase Email Open Rate By Improving Subject Lines
Maximizing Click-Thru Rates
Contact Management - Databases, Lists and Segments
Databases, Contacts & Lists - Importing, Exporting and Merging
Getting the Most From Pinpointe Contact Management
How do I import contacts from a spreadsheet?
How do I create a new contact database?
Receiving Error - Cannot Create New List(s)
Why am I receiving 'Invalid data' errors when importing a contact list?
See all 14 articles
Managing Unsubscribes and Bounces
Do I need to delete/remove unsubscribes?
How do I unsubscribe/delete/mark as bounced multiple contacts at once?
How do I view or export a list of all unsubscribed email accounts?
If a recipient is in multiple lists and they click 'unsubscribe,' which list are they unsubscribed from?
Customizing Your Default Unsubscribe Form
Using Segments and Lists
What are the differences between databases, segments and tagged lists?
What is a segment?
How do I create and utilize segments?
How can I send to a part of my list?
Searching/Updating Contacts & Fields
How do I search for a particular contact or group of contacts?
How do I update fields in an existing contact list?
How do I view, update, or delete a specific contact?
Suppression Lists
Can I upload a suppression list?
When I import my list, why are some contacts on a global block list?
Database Settings
How do I update my database names and descriptions?
Tagged Lists
How do I create a tagged list?
What is a tagged list?
How do I untag a contact in a tagged list?
Help Video: Creating and using Tagged Lists
Creating Email Campaigns
Using the Drag and Drop Editor
Overview Demo
Help Video: Creating a Campaign
Help Video: Toolbox Overview
Setting Colors For Text Links
Help Video: Adding Links to Text and Images
See all 12 articles
Using the WYSIWYG Editor
WYSIWYG Editor Quick Reference
Why isn't my WYSIWYG editor displaying?
Editing Campaign Content
How can I make my email look like my website design?
How do I set the color and style for a link?
How do I add an anchor in my email?
Designing emails with Word / pasting from Word
Why is Pinpointe inserting an 'Unsubscribe' link in my email?
See all 10 articles
How do I insert an image into my campaign?
What is the maximum image size and file attachment size?
Images are not displayed when I import a template from a file.
My images have a blue border. How do I remove it?
Can I upload or delete multiple images at one time?
Custom Fields
What are custom fields?
How do I add a custom field to my email subject line?
How do I create and add custom fields to an email campaign?
How do I insert a customized unsubscribe link?
Inserted variable values
SPAM Check/Inbox Preview
Why doesn't the data from a custom field(s) show up in a preview email?
My preview email to myself ended up in the SPAM folder (or it was not received).
Why doesn't the 'unsubscribe' link work when I send a preview?
New Drag & Drop Builder and Basic Editor
New Drag & Drop Builder
New Drag & Drop Builder Overview
New Drag & Drop Builder
New Basic Editor
New Basic Editor Overview
New Basic Editor & Import HTML page
Sending Campaigns/ Deliverability
Improving Deliverability
How can I improve my email deliverability?
How can I improve my subject line?
What is a "Spamtrap"/"Honeypot?"
Auto-Batch Sending
Predictive Campaign Scheduling
See all 6 articles
Customized Sending
What is Pinpointe's "Send-On-Behalf-Of" feature and how do I use it?
How do I change the default 'send-from' and 'reply-to' email addresses on a database?
Can I use multiple or different send-from and reply-to addresses for campaigns?
If I send an email to multiple lists (or segments), does Pinpointe de-duplicate contacts that might appear in multiple lists?
How do I resend a campaign to contacts that joined after the campaign was sent?
See all 6 articles
Sending Errors
I scheduled an email campaign and it's not sending.
Advanced Features
Split Testing
How do I set up a split test?
Dynamic Content
What is "dynamic content?"
How do I set up dynamic content boxes?
Embedding a Survey in a Web Page
Managing Automated Campaigns
Autoresponder Campaigns
What is an Autoresponder or Drip Campaign?
How do I create an autoresponder series?
How do I to add existing contacts to active autoresponders?
What aren't my contacts receiving my autoresponders?
If a contact's details change before an autoresponder or campaign gets sent will they still receive it?
See all 7 articles
Triggered Email Campaigns
What is a "triggered" email?
How do I set up a triggered email campaign?
Journeys Overview
Journeys - Entrant Events
Journeys - Entrant Events = Added to Database
Journeys - Entrant Events = Added to List
Journeys - Entrant Events = Removed from List
See all 31 articles
Statistics and Reporting
Campaign Statistics
How are campaign opens and clicks tracked?
How do I export email campaign statistics?
How do I export summary stats or detailed stats for multiple campaigns?
"Opens" and "Unique Opens" - what is the difference?
What do the “Complaint” statistics represent?
Split Test Statistics
How do I view my split test statistics?
Automated Emails - Statistics
How do I view the statistics from my automated (autoresponder) emails?
Bounced Emails
What's the difference between a "soft bounce" and a "hard bounce?"
Should I delete/remove bounced email addresses from my list(s)?
I sent a campaign and the system is reporting "No Bounces."
How do I view a list of bounced email contacts?
How do I export a list of bounced email contacts?
General Questions
What are the different types of website forms?
Can I modify the look and feel for signup, unsubscribe and other forms in Pinpointe?
How can I change the order of data fields in a form that I've already created?
How do I insert a "hidden" field in my form?
Subscription Form (Integrated Into Your Website)
How do I create and add a subscription form to my website?
How do I add my email subscription form to WordPress?
Can I add my custom fields to my subscription form's thank you page?
Why isn't my subscription form working?
How do I Automatically Add a Subscriber to a Hidden List?
Customer Preferences (Modify Details) Form
How does the 'Modify Details' form work?
How do my contacts modify the details of their subscription(s)?
Why can't I put a modify details form on my website?
Unsubscribe Form
What kind of configurations does the unsubscribe feature support?
How do I place an unsubscribe form on my website?
Can my contacts subscribe to other email lists on the ‘unsubscribe’ landing page?
How do database names show up on the ‘unsubscribe’ landing page?
Can I add descriptions to the databases that are on my ‘unsubscribe’ landing page?
Forward To Friend Form
How do I place a 'Forward to Friend' form link in an email campaign?
How does a 'Forward to Friend' form work?
How do I create a "Forward to Friend" form?
Displaying the Error Message Returned by a Web Form
Third-Party Integration
Pinpointe API - Overview
Introduction to the Pinpointe API
See also 'JSON API'
Authentication test (auth-Test) - XML ver.
Add Subscriber To Autoresponders (auto - AddToAutoresponders) - XML ver
Get Forms (form - GetForms) - XML version
Copy Contact List (list - CopyList) - XML version
See all 40 articles
Async Job Status - (api-asyncjobstatus)
API Test (api-test)
Authentication test (auth-Test)
Add New Autoresponder (auto-AddAutoresponder)
Add Subscriber To Autoresponders (auto - AddToAutoresponders)
See all 61 articles
How to Integrate SumoMe with Pinpointe
Pinpointe Salesforce.com Connector
Webhooks - Unsubscribes, Bounces and Campaign Sends
Webhooks 2.0 - Campaign Opens and Link Clicks
Personalize campaign images with NiftyImages
Getting Started With Zapier
Getting Started with the Pinpointe PieSync Connector
Billing and Ordering
Pinpointe Account Terms
What are Pinpointe's terms of service?
Ordering / Billing Questions
How can I get a copy of a previous invoice?
How do I purchase additional email credits?
Marketing Education
Webinars - Marketing and Email Marketing Tips
Webinar: How to Match Marketing Content to Your Sales Funnel
Video: Tips to Improve Email Marketing Results
Video: Writing Tips to Improve Email Response Rates
Video: Improve Email Responses with Split Testing - Case Studies
Video: Email Marketing Webinar: How a SPAM Filter Works
See all 14 articles
WordPress Integration
WordPress Plugin
WordPress Plugin Installation
Using the WordPress Plugin
Landing Pages
How To Use
Style Menu
Hover Menu
Link Action Feature
Color Picker
Carousel Widget
Carousel Widget Overview
Carousel Widget - "General" Menu
Carousel Widget - "Presets" Menu
Carousel Widget - "Styles" Menu
Basic Widgets
Button Widget
Heading Text Widget
Horizontal Flex Widget
Icon Widget
Image Widget
See all 11 articles