Each Journey must have one or more entrant events. When this event(s) occurs, the contact is entered into the Journey's funnel. On the left side of the Journey work area, you will see a vertical menu under the option, "Events". See Fig 1 below for a partial screenshot.

Fig 1

To select an event, use your cursor to drag the desired event into the Entrant Event field (See Fig 2 below).

Fig 2

As an example, Fig 3 below shows the Event, "Added to Database", inserted into the Entrant Event field. 

Fig 3

You will also note a dropdown menu above the Entrant Event field. You may have more than one Entrant Event. If you do select multiple events, the default behavior of the Journeys tool is that only one of the Entrant Events must have occurred or be satisfied for the contact to be entered into the Journey funnel. However, by clicking on the black-bordered section of the menu, you may change the "OR" behavior to "AND", so that ALL selected Entrant Events must have occurred or be satisfied. See Figs 4, 5 and 6 below.

Fig 4

Fig 5

Fig 6

Shown below are all current Entrant Event options. To learn more about the behavior of each one, please click on the Event name, which will then take you to the selected Event's KBase article.