Pinpointe's Journeys feature is a powerful tool that lets you create an automated flow of marketing emails to be sent to your contacts, whether new or existing, based on a wide selection of criteria. 

When you select "New Journey" form the primary Journeys menu option, you will see this popup:

You must give the Journey a title, and then select the database the journey will interact with. After that, click the "Select" button.

As a Pinpointe customer, you can choose from a list of Events as to what criteria must be met for a contact to be entered into a particular Journey's funnel. 

An overview of Entrant Events are described in the article: Journeys - Entrant Events, along with links to articles describing in detail each respective Entrant Event

Once the Entrant Event(s) have been selected, you will now construct the main body of the Journey by selecting one or more:

  • Actions - these are actions you instruct the Pinpointe system to take, either when the contact first enters the Journey, or based on when some condition is met, or after certain flows has been completed. Please refer to this article for a full description of all available Actions.

  • Conditions - You may select from two 
    • Yes/No Condition
    • If/Else Condition

These Conditions nodes allow you to funnel a contact into separate paths within the Journey based on whether or not some condition has or has not been met. Please refer to this article for a full description of all available Conditions.

  • Flows - Flow nodes provide you with the ability to set a delay before the Journey progresses to an Action or Condition node, whether this delay is a unit of time, a date, or until an event has occurred. You may also enroll a contact in a different Journey as a flow, or unenroll them from this or another Journey. Please refer to this article for a full description of all available Flows.

The main Journeys page is made of up of six columns. See Fig 1 below.

Fig 1

By default, a Journey begins as "inactive", as indicated under the column labeled "Status". To the right of the Status column is an unlabeled column that will have one of three icons:

  1. If the Journey is inactive, the icon will be a green right-facing arrow. Placing your cursor over the arrow will show a text popup letting you know that clicking on the arrow will "make active" this Journey. 
  2. Once a Journey is active, it will be label as such under the Status column, and the icon will be two blue vertical bars. Placing your cursor over the two vertical bars will show a text popup, "make suspended". Clicking the vertical bars will place the Journey in a suspended mode. From the suspended mode, a Journey may be made inactive, or made active again. A suspended Journey will be labeled "suspended" under the Status column. 
  3. The icon for a suspended Journey will be a green right-facing arrow + a red square.

A suspended Journey, once re-activated, will look back from the time it was suspended and evaluate all contacts to determine if they should have been placed in the Journey funnel. It other words, the Journey will "play catchup".

An active Journey made inactive, however, if then re-activated, will NOT go back and evaluate the contacts in the target database from the point it was made inactive. It will only evaluate contacts from the point it was re-activated.