Besides using Action(s) to create your Journey structure, you may also want to use a Condition, a conditional function that allows you to send a contact down different sub-funnels within a Journey based on whether or not the contact has met a conditional parameter rule.   

There are two Conditional nodes:

  • Yes / No Condition
  • If / Else Condition

 See Fig 1 below for a partial screenshot.

Fig 1

Yes / No Condition node

Fig 2 below shows the insertion of a Yes / No Condition node into the Journey structure. 

Fig 2

Clicking the Yes / No Condition node will bring up this panel on the right side of the work area (See Fig 3 below):

Fig 3

Clicking the blue "Add Condition" button will bring up a popup that will allow you to set a ruleset for the "Yes" path. For this example, the Journey will check to see if a contact has opened a certain email. See Fig 4 below:

Fig 4

After clicking the blue "Save" button and then the blue "Save Properties" button, the Journey structure will be updated to reflect your "Yes" condition. See Fig 5 below.

Fig 5

 You can now insert an Action, Condition or Flow node in both the large blue areas for both the "Yes" and "No" paths.

In the example below, in the "Yes" path, an Action node of "Send an Email" has been added as the event to send a new email. 

In the "No" path (meaning the contact has not opened the original email after a certain period of time), an Action node has been added to resend the original email campaign. See Fig 6 below.

Fig 6

If / Else Condition node

Fig 7 below shows the insertion of an If / Else Condition node into the Journey structure. 

Fig 7

Clicking the If / Else Condition node will bring up this panel on the right side of the work area (See Fig 8 below):

Fig 8

Clicking the blue "Add Condition" button will bring up a popup that will allow you to set a ruleset for the "If" path. For this example, the Journey will check to see if a contact has opened a certain email. See Fig 9 below:

Fig 9

After clicking the blue "Save" button and then the blue "Save Properties" button, the Journey structure will be updated to reflect your "If" condition. See Fig 10 below.

Fig 10

 You can now insert an Action, Condition or Flow node in both the large blue areas for both the "If" and "Else" paths.

In the example below, in the "If" path, an Action node of "Send an Email" has been added as the event to send a new email. 

In the "Else" path (meaning the contact has not opened the original email after a certain period of time), an Action node has been added to resend the original email campaign. See Fig 10 below.

Fig 10

The If / Else Condition (as well as the Yes / No Condition) is a very power tool because you can have multiple "If" branches and/or nest additional If / Else Conditions within other Conditions. See Fig 11 below.

Fig 11