The Changed a Customfield event will add the contact to the Journey funnel when that contact's specified customfield has changed. See Fig 1 below.

Please note: Unlike "Update a Contact Property" under "Actions", where you can specify the exact value of the custom field to trigger the Action node, as an Entrant Event, Changed a Customfield will add the contact to the Journey funnel if ANY change in value of the specified customfield is detected. For example, you may have a custom field named, say, "Customer Type", and have two possible values: "Prospect", the default all site visitors are assigned when first submitting their email, and "Customer", which only occurs when they make a paid purchase after becoming a "Prospect". In addition, this is a one-time trigger. Assuming a contact has been changed from "Prospect" to "Customer" and has triggered the Entrant Event and entered that contact into the Journey funnel, subsequently changing that contact back to "Prospect" would NOT trigger entrance into the Journey funnel a second time. 

Fig 1

A new or existing contact will be added to the Journey funnel whether the custom field value has been changed via:

  • CSV import
  • API call
  • Manually changed in the GUI using the "Edit Contact" tool
  • Manually changed in the GUI using inline editing of the custom field value

To add the specified custom field to the Journey, click the Changed a Customfield entrant node once you have added it to the Journey work area. Doing so will bring up this popup ("Properties") on the right-hand side of the screen (See Fig 2 below):

Fig 2

Clicking into the input field below the "Custom Field" label will display a vertical menu showing all your active custom fields for the targeted database. Placing your cursor over the desired list will highlight it. See Fig 3 below.

Fig 3

Once the correct custom field is highlighted, Click the "Save Properties" button at the bottom of the popup. The popup will close. To close the Properties popup without performing a selection , click the small "X" in the top right corner.

If you wish to remove an Entrant Event, you may click the "Delete block" button at the bottom. However, please note you must have at least one Entrant Event in a Journey for it to be valid. If you try and delete the only available Entrant Event, the system will show an error. If you wish to replace the Event, select a new one from the list in the left side menu and drag it into the Entrant Event node area in the work area first, then you can delete the other Event