The Send a Notification Email action allows you to send an email to the Pinpointe account's owner (user) or any sub-user. The action can be triggered as the first action after a contact enters the Journey's funnel, or as the result of another action. See Fig 1 below. 

Fig 1

To create the notification email to send, click the Send a Notification Email action node once you have added it to the Journey work area. Doing so will bring up this popup ("Properties") on the right-hand side of the screen (See Fig 2 and 2a below):  

Fig 2

Fig 2a

There are several input fields below the "Send a Notification Email" label.

(a) Account User - clicking into the field will show a list consisting of the account owner and any sub-users. Select the one you wish the notification email to go to. 

(b) Subject - Give the email a subject line.

(c) Content: Insert Variable - Allows you to select and add a variabalized text string based on a Pinpointe-provided field, such as %%emailaddress%%.

(d) Content: Insert Customfields - Allows you to select and add a variabalized text string based on one of your custom fields assigned to the target database. For example, such as  %%First-Name%%, assuming that is a custom field you have added to this database.

(e) The email work area itself, where you can type the email contents. See Fig 3 below.

Fig 3

(f) Send-From Email - (This will initially autofill after you select the recipient based on the account settings for that recipient) where you can specify the send-from email address for the email.

(g) Send-From Name - (This will initially autofill after you select the recipient based on the account settings for that recipient) where you can specify the send-from name for the email.

(h) Reply-To Email - (This will initially autofill after you select the recipient based on the account settings for that recipient) where you can specify the reply-to email address for the email.

Once you have finished with the email setup, click the "Save Properties" button.