Allows user to retrieve basic info such as campaign name, ID, subject, send start time, send finish time and number of contacts campaign was sent to for all campaigns sent on behalf of the requesting account during a user-specified interval of time.

JSON Request Example:     

  "username": "JohnDoe",
  "usertoken": "abc123abc123abc123abc123",
  "requesttype": "Newsletters",
  "requestmethod": "GetNewslettersSent",
  "details": {
    "intervalcount": "{*interval_count_integer*}",
    "intervalunits": "{*interval_units*}"

"json_request"  element

Field NameDescription
usernameUsername used to login to Pinpointe
usertokenUnique token assigned to Pinpointe account

"details" element

Field NameDescription
Some interval (must be a number) for the unit of time specified for "intervalunits". For example, '12'.
Can be:
  • minutes
  • hours
  • days
  • weeks
  • years

Successful Response:

"response" element

Field NameDescription
statusWill return SUCCESS if user was successfully added

"response" "data" "item" element

Field NameDescription
newsletteridCampaign ID
nameCampaign  name
subject Campaign  subject
ownernameCampaign owner
lastupdatedlast time campaign was updated
statidCampaign stat ID if applicable
starttimeThe send start time for that campaign for that specific send
finishtimeThe send finish time for that campaign for that specific send
senttoNumber of contacts campaign send to for that specific send

Unsuccessful Response:

"response" element

Field NameDescription
statusWill return FAILED if unsuccessful
errormessageText explaining why request failed