If you enable link tracking (which IS enabled by default), links in your email will be modified when the email campaign is sent. For Pinpointe to track your email links, the actual link is replaced with a link to the mypinpointe.com site. When a link is clicked, the recipient’s browser is initially sent to this location, where Pinpointe registers the click, and then instantly redirects the recipient to the final URL.  

For example, if you're application URL is https://na08.mypinpointe.com (one of many Pinpointe application URLs), the links in your emails will start with:  https://na08.mypinpointe.com/

If you want to hide the mypinpointe.com reference in your email links, contact Pinpointe Support and request enabling / setting up the "Vanity Domain" Feature.

As part of the Vanity Domain setup, you'll choose a subdomain (typically we use "go.") and your sending domain.  Example:  go.yoursendingdomain.com.  Once the setup is complete and the feature is enabled, the links in your campaign will start with:  https://go.yoursendingdomain.com/.